Saturday, 14 December 2013


I used to wish that my body was completely consistent with one form, but then again, my body is pretty consistent with my mind right now. I am the sort of person who tries to see the silver lining in situations, and from speaking with the transgender community, I have come to appreciate and accept myself a lot more. What i mean to say is, a lot of people would kill to have a body like mine. I feel like I have gender qualities and traits in my person hood that are matched well with body. The whole essence of who i am is to be both, and this is what many people strive to be.

“I want to show the maleness of my breasts and the femaleness of my muscles.”

 This is very accurate. There are no set boundaries, only binaries. Some individuals aim to purposely inject hormones into themselves in order to become as androgynous as I appear, and others are left with a body like mine after changing their mind on medical intervention or as a result of their current transition from male to female/female to male. I am naturally like this, and I suppose I need to take as much comfort as I can that I am in some senses cis-gendered because my body matches my mind.

I can only assume that some transgender people are often lead to believe that, because their sex can be so different to their gender, that they have something mentally wrong with them. I, on the other hand, am able to say that I have a medical condition, and I don’t have to convince any doctors to give me the hormones that I need to feel comfortable in my own skin. If I look at things that way, then its possible, with a little stretch of the imagination, that I am actually cis-gendered. I love the idea of this.

This makes me feel a lot better, and to know that some people envy me for this means that I will try my hardest to remember to be grateful each day, for their sakes, because I can only assume that being transgender is a lot more difficult than the things which I face in my own situation. I am also very thankful for not having had genital surgery as a child, or ever having ambiguous genitalia to begin with, or at-least to the point where I cannot have penetrative sex/ appear too much out of the range of a normal female. These things in themselves are a godsend, and I would like to take a moment right now to show my appreciation to the powers above for allowing me this physically adaptive and emotional comfort of being me. 

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