Monday, 9 December 2013

Pregnancy Pressure

Why do women compare kids all the time? Am I jealous? Maybe. But I hate it when mothers give you that look that says "We are all women and we all know what this is like". I don't, no, I will never know what it is like, and I'm not sure why you encourage the idea that as women this is what is expected of us. I have never seen this tell tale look shot at a man before, and I say 'shot' because that is what it does to me; shoots me down. I will never be woman enough to be maternal, but I have obviously not passed as man enough to them to stop them looking at me as such.

 To make myself feel better, I just tell myself that medically speaking, a fetus is a parasite. This is food for thought, and a somewhat beautifully cold truth. It is not integral to my identity as a female to be knocked up or a stay at home mum to be a valuable and beautiful woman. One fuck buddy actually told me that he thought it was a shame that I couldn't conceive, as if he assumed that I wanted a child with him; perfect stranger: as if that was most girls only goal and sense of self worth consisted of. I would say that you don't see men comparing such things, but there always has, and always will be beard envy, and that is something which I feel much more confident participating in, or at-least, I do at this age, when I'm winning the male puberty race. 

In 1894, a priest saved a 4 year old boy from drowning. The boy was named Adolf Hitler. That is the last time I care for a stranger. How scary is it to think that little kids will one day grow up to be mass murderers and rapists? That's just another reason not to have kids in my opinion. So here is my list:
1.  My kid might be a murderer or a rapist
2. What if they are stupid? If my child cannot tell the difference between to and too then they aren't a child of mine. Its better abortion than sorry.
3. They might be a spastic, and spastics should be banned. Really though, if they had to go through anything I have to at the doctors then I would never forgive myself for causing them such pain.  
4.  I'd be so overprotective they would grow to hate me and turn to drugs or worse yet generic teen pop bands.I wouldn't let them do anything in fear of something bad happening to them, so as a result they will spiral out of control and fuck up their own life all by themselves  
5. They'll be dependent and stroppy, talent less little cunts. I would spoil my kids literally rotten, because I'd never want them to be envious and wearing threadbare clothes or hand me downs like I have to. Because of that, my biggest fear would come true: they'd be those cotton wool, judgmental and naive div's that I love to hate, as they'd never know what it is to be an outcast, question your purpose in life, or have to sleep rough.which brings me to the next reason:
6. I'd be jealous of them and the perfect, suburban and culture filled life I would provide them and their childhood that i'd never get to have.      
 7. The world is over populated 

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