Friday, 6 December 2013


I've just got back from college and had a very large glass of vodka. Its 12:06 in the afternoon. But this is by no means a bad thing. I'm quiet happy to say the least. This morning I woke up, applied makeup and a dressy top and leggings. I'm still the same person though, and this had got me thinking that its only my perceived gender which affects me. at the end of the day, I would very much like to think that there is no correlation with my likes, dislikes, personality traits and mannerisms with my hormones. Because if there was, then it would mean that my very soul was a result of a birth ‘defect’, and that i'm just an anomaly. And I don’t ever want to feel like the outcast that I am. Just because I don’t see, hear or know of anyone like me does not mean to say that I am a freak, or at least, that's what I tell myself, and that's what I'd like to think. Had I been  born a little more or less one way or the other then I would remain the same person that I am today, accept I know that maybe that isn’t entirely true. Still, I am a person despite this, and today, because of yesterday, is an exceedingly good day. 

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